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Colloidal Silver has been around for hundreds of years and was widely used during the 18 and 1900’s before modern day pharmaceuticals were invented. It then fell out of favour because it was more expensive to produce however today it is possible to produce less costly silver colloids which are also of a more superior quality. There are many different silver-based products available but a true colloidal silver is made by electronically charging silver electrodes into pharmaceutical-grade purified water via carefully controlled voltage and amperage. If the water used is not purified i.e. and contains trace elements the result will be a ‘silver compound’ NOT a colloid and this is not the same product or quality. Any silver product that contains salts, proteins, compounds or stabilizers is an inferior product and has the potential to be toxic. Colloidal silver should not be confused with ionic silver either – ionic silver is a ‘solution’ of dissolved silver ions which are not in suspension. In reality most ‘colloidal’ silver products contain some dissolved silver ions but a premium quality colloid should be 90+% silver particles, not ions.
A true silver colloid then: is a suspension of ultra fine silver particles in purified water, that remain in suspension; contains just 99.999% pure silver and distilled water, has a very small particle size of 0.0008 to 0.005 microns; is non-toxic, and is most commonly available in a concentration of 10ppm (parts per million) although 5-30ppm is acceptable. Colloidal Silver should always be stored in a dark glass bottle, never in plastic which is porous and can leach chemicals into the liquid, and always away from direct sunlight and electric and magnetic fields all of which can interfere with the suspension of particles.
Silver itself has been used by cultures worldwide for thousands of years. In Ancient Macedonia, Greece and Rome silver was used at length to clean water, preserve liquids and food, and on wounds. Hippocrates the Father of Medicine used silver and believed that it aided the repair of tissue. Since then it has been used throughout the centuries in many different forms the most obvious being silver goblets, eating utensils and a babies ‘silver spoon’. Today it is increasingly used to help control the spread of germs, through silver-coated medical instruments and equipment, wound dressings, air and water purification processes, clothing and surfaces.
More information on Colloidal Silver products.
It is very common within the first three months for newborn babies to develop cradle cap. Its proper name is Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis and it is caused by the sebaceous glands producing too much oil. The result of this varies from dry, flaky patches of skin that look like dandruff to the more obvious oily and yellowish scales that can be thick, waxy and sometimes odorous. Cradle cap occurs mainly on the scalp but it can also develop around the ears, nose, eyebrows and under the armpits. Although it doesn’t look very pleasant it is usually a harmless condition that doesn’t tend to itch or irritate. It is important never to pick or scrub at the affected area as this can cause not only extremely sore skin but also an infection. It would also be wise to avoid pharmacy shampoos and ointments which contain chemicals that can irritate the skin.
The reason for this malfunctioning of the sebum-producing glands has been associated with: an excess of hormones that remain in the baby from the mother which directly cause the overproduction of oil, and which can take some time to be eliminated naturally; insufficient levels of omega 3 essential fatty acids which are necessary for healthy skin and which have found to be lacking in babies with cradle cap; low levels of good bacteria in the gut which produce B vitamins also important for healthy skin; and a deficiency in a particular B vitamin called biotin which is essential for healthy hair, skin and nerves and for the absorption of omega 3.
Cradle cap can be very mild and sometimes rights itself and goes away. For many babies though it does not and it can become very persistent and severe. It is best not to just leave it in case a fungal or bacterial infection develop under the scales. Cradle cap can be easily and gently removed using our Natural Cradle Cap Kit a combination of natural oils and balms that nourish the skin and enable you to carefully lift the scales away. If you then find that over time the problem re-occurs the following advice is helpful: give age-specific supplements to support healthy skin and digestion; try cranial osteopathy to help encourage the removal of toxins; if you are breastfeeding or your baby is weaned avoid foods that contain raw egg which reduce the absorption of biotin, as well as chocolate, dairy products, white flour-based foods, fried food, seafood and all forms of sugar; eat foods which are high in essential fatty acids such as oily fish and seeds, and high in biotin such as herrings, cooked eggs, liver and kidney; and finally continue with the kit to control the condition.
More information on Cradle Cap products.
Constipation is very common in modern day culture due mainly to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle however there can be many different causes of this uncomfortable and often painful condition. Although each person’s digestive system is different it is usually accepted that if you a) have to strain to empty your bowels and b) experience less than four bowel movements in any seven day period then you are constipated and should seek help. The main causes of constipation are: insufficient fibre, fluids, magnesium and or vitamin C in the diet; poor levels of good bacteria in the gut (often caused by the widespread use drugs such as antibiotics, stress, diet and environmental factors); and an inactive lifestyle. There are however many other possible reasons for a sluggish digestive system including: food intolerance, growing older, degenerative muscle disorders (the gut is a muscle), pregnancy, drugs, some iron supplements, underactive thyroid, diabetes and kidney failure. Constipation can also be both the result of and cause of other ailments such as: bloating, wind, body odour, bad breath, coated tongue, heartburn, headaches, depression, fatigue, haemorrhoids, lack of sleep, obesity and malabsorption of nutrients.
Natural constipation in babies is not necessarily an infrequency of stools because newborn babies vary hugely in the number of bowel movements they have each day or each week, instead it is whether they struggle to empty their bowels, they are clearly in pain doing so, and or stools are hard. Infants have an underdeveloped digestive system when born and so can be very sensitive to change. Constipation in babies can be caused by weaning, types of formula milk, dairy intolerance, lack of fluids, fever and dehydration and insufficient good bacteria in the gut. Natural constipation in pregnancy is common. As the body produces more progesterone this causes the muscles in the body, including the gut, to relax and become less effective. This can result in poor gut health and the risk of haemorrhoids or piles developing if the problem is not dealt with quickly.
Adequate levels of dietary fibre are essential for a strong digestive system and to avoid constipation occurring and the best way to attain this is through a diet of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods. This ideally would provide both soluble and insoluble fibre in the ratio of 75% insoluble and 25% soluble. The most effective and natural approach for constipation is to: eat healthily; increase fibre and fluid intake; increase vitamin C and magnesium intake; replenish levels of good bacteria in the gut; reduce your intake of animal products and exercise regularly. If these steps do not work or you find some of them difficult to achieve contact us for advice.
More information on Natural Constipation products.
Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes pink or flesh coloured raised lesions to appear on the skin and spread across the body. These ‘mollusca’ are often described as “pearly warts” due to their appearance but they are not warts. Molluscum contagiosum is from the pox family of viruses, as are chicken pox and shingles, but unlike chicken pox Molluscum does not clear up quickly, in fact it can take from 1-2 years or even 3 or more years to go by itself. Although it is not harmful it is unsightly and is not pleasant for any child or adult to experience. Most adults seem to have immunity against Molluscum but some adults do catch it in the same way that children do, but more commonly in adults it can be caught as a sexually transmitted disease. Although you have probably never heard of Molluscum before it is extremely common in children now and as its name suggests it is contagious and so spreads easily through direct skin-to-skin contact, by sharing toys, baths, clothes, bedding, towels and via swimming pools. It is important not to touch or scratch the lesions as this will cause them to spread.
Around two to eight weeks after a person has been infected the spots can begin to appear. Each ‘mollusca’ then usually has a life cycle of about six to twelve weeks after which it should form a scab, dry up and go away however the reason why Molluscum can last such a long time is that as old spots are healing new spots are erupting and so the cycle continues. In contrast some bumps can appear to do nothing for very long periods of time while other spots develop around them, and on other parts of the body, some spots become very red, large and inflamed with a head and these tend to have an obvious yellow/white ‘core’ that needs to come outwards, while others can look like very small pimples. For some people Molluscum is itchy and irritating while for others it is not. It is also common for children with eczema or other immune disorders to experience worse cases of Molluscum, and for children who have never had eczema to develop eczema-like patches alongside their Molluscum.
You will no doubt have been told by your GP or dermatologist that there is nothing that can be done and that the best thing to do is to “sit it out” and wait for it to go. There certainly is no anti-viral medication for Molluscum. Conventional treatment including freezing or curettage (surgical removal) is often painful, unpleasant and can cause scarring and is certainly not suitable for children. Neither of these methods deal with the presence of the virus within the body and so new spots can still appear. Molluscum contagiosum therefore is best addressed both internally and topically until the very last spot has gone.
More information on Molluscum Contagiosum products.
Seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea is an increasingly common inflammatory skin complaint that occurs due to the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands (the glands which produce oil). The term “seborrhoea” means “flow of oil”. Although anyone can develop seborrhea the majority of sufferers are middle-aged possibly because it can be triggered by stress and anxiety. It is very common for newborn babies to experience the same disorder of the sebaceous glands but this is known as ‘cradle cap’ or ‘infantile seborrheic dermatitis’. In babies this is a mild, harmless condition which usually rights itself. In adults the condition is chronic and very unpleasant to experience. Seborrhoea is characterized by oily, scaly patches of skin predominantly on the scalp which can be red, inflamed, burning, itchy, greasy, flaky, yellowish, thick and waxy. Seborrheic dermatitis is not dandruff - dandruff occurs only on the scalp whereas seborrhea can develop on the armpits, buttocks, breasts, chest, ears, eyebrows, eyelids, and forehead.
It is not known exactly why the sebaceous glands stop working properly and begin to produce puss, but it is thought to be linked to: insufficient levels of, omega 3 essential fatty acids, a B vitamin called biotin, and vitamin A, all of which are essential for healthy skin; the overgrowth of a yeast called Pityrosporum ovale which is present in the hair follicles; dairy and wheat or gluten intolerance; excessive toxins within the body due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle; an overgrowth of a yeast called Candida albicans in the gut; an overactive immune system due to this toxicity and yeast which produces histamine and in time dermatitis; and stress and anxiety. Seborrhoea therefore is not caused by external factors and so needs to be addressed internally.
Topical over-the-counter and prescription treatments don’t work. Instead sufferers need to make changes to their diet and lifestyle: eat healthily with 50-75% of your diet made up of raw fresh fruits and vegetables; try following a gluten and dairy-free diet; reduce or eliminate all forms of sugar, junk food, white flour-based baked goods (cakes, biscuits, breads), fried food, saturated fats, seafood and chocolate; avoid all foods containing raw egg which inhibits the absorption of biotin; stop smoking and cut out alcohol and caffeine; eat foods that are high in fibre, essential fatty acids and biotin; cleanse and detox your body; take supplements that support healthy skin and digestion; exercise regularly and ensure that you take effective measures to reduce stress and increase relaxation.
More information on Seborrheic Dermatitis products.
Omega 3 fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids. This is because the human body cannot make them on its own. They therefore need to be incorporated through our diet for the healthy functioning of our body. Omega 3 oils are found primarily in fatty fish, wild game, certain nuts, seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, seaweed and algae.
Natural sources of omega 3 fish oil include cold water fish like anchovies, herring and mackerel, fresh tuna and organic salmon. Vegetarians can source their dietary omega 3 from walnuts, flaxseeds, hemp, and linseed. Omega 3 fish oil however is different to vegetarian sources of omega 3.
Omega 3 fish oil contains two long chain fatty acids called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicasapentaenoic acid (EPA) which are the most important components of omega 3 fish oil. According to experts, EPA is more beneficial than DHA although both are important. DHA or is important for the growth and development of the brain and eyes. It plays a major role in pregnancy and healthy foetal development. EPA plays a vital role in brain function. Some studies also suggest that while DHA is important in the initial and late stages of life, EPA helps in regulating all the vital functions of the body throughout life. EPA can easily be converted to DHA in the body; however, the conversion from DHA to EPA is a difficult process. As mentioned before, both these nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
Vegetarian omega 3 oils contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which has different benefits compared to EPA and DHA. However the body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA as required and although the EPA produced is not the same a fish oil EPA it is an important source for vegetarians and vegans. Omega 3 fish oil has a number of health benefits. These include a more resilient immune system, healthy skin and stronger bones. It also helps to enhance your over all growth and development and general well being. Some researches also suggest that Omega 3 aids in foetal growth and development. It aids in maintaining the hormonal balance and normalizes your blood pressure. It can enhance all kinds of brain functions including concentration, memory and learning. Actually, omega 3 fish oil can easily be termed as an elixir of life.
Omega 3 is abundant in fish oil and fish liver oil supplements. The main difference between these two is that fish liver oil has higher amounts of vitamin D and A. Vitamin D is an important nutrient for the skin, teeth and bones while Vitamin A is important for the our eyes and general well being. Too much vitamin A however can be toxic.
These days there are thousands of omega 3 fish oil supplements available. However, it's important to understand the difference between the premium quality brands and the high street brands. Essentially, premium quality brands of fish oil supplements will have much more EPA and DHA as compared to the other generic varieties.
Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements
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